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4/15/24 - PNMCF's Killian to present session at AFCOM's Data Center World 2024.

Kirk Killian of PNMCF will co-present a workshop entitled “Colocation Bootcamp: User’s Guide to Colo Essentials, Trends, and Planning” at Data Center World 2024 on April 15, 2024 in Washington, DC.  The presentation will discuss the basic fundamentals of colocation (who, what, when, where, why, and how much), including the design elements and facility management practices ensuring data center reliability, planning user needs, budgeting, selecting and procuring colocation space, and reporting on project progress to senior management.  DCW is the premier annual industry conference for data center and IT infrastructure managers.


2/1/24 - Mission Critical Magazine publishes article on International Data Center Procurement.

The industry-leading data center magazine published an article written by PNMCF's Kirk Killian entitled “Data Over Here, Data Over There” discussing strategies for selecting and procuring international data center space, discussing the unique challenges (and tactics for success) in foreign data center deployment.  DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE


9/1/23 - Mission Critical Magazine publishes article on Colocation Contract Renewal Strategies.

The industry-leading data center magazine published an article written by PNMCF's Kirk Killian entitled “Data Center Pay To Stay” discussing the unprecedented tight supply and demand conditions in colocation markets worldwide, and resulting planning and strategies for enterprise users to successfully improve colo contract renewal terms.



6/1/23 - Mission Critical Magazine publishes article on Data Center Procurement Trends.

The industry-leading data center magazine published an article written by PNMCF's Kirk Killian entitled “The Latest Data Center Procurement Trends” discussing (4) current corporate IT trends affecting data center planning and procurement.  DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE


5/10/23 - PNMCF's Killian presents session at AFCOM's Data Center World 2023.

Kirk Killian of PNMCF presented a session entitled “Colo + Cloud Solutions to Supply Chain Challenges” at Data Center World 2023 on May 10, 2023 in Austin.  The presentation discussed challenges to data center users from supply-chain bottlenecks, and the planning, analysis, approvals, and tasks execution through the colocation and cloud delivery models to address those issues.  DCW is the premier annual industry conference for data center and IT infrastructure managers.


3/29/22 - PNMCF's Killian presents session at AFCOM's Data Center World 2022.

Kirk Killian of PNMCF co-presented a session entitled “Colo + Cloud Pathway Planning” at Data Center World 2022 on March 29, 2022 in Austin.  The presentation discussed planning strategies for enterprises planning hybrid migrations to colocation & cloud, focusing on the “what goes where” analysis and implementation.  DCW is the premier annual industry conference for data center and IT infrastructure managers.


8/18/21 - PNMCF's Killian presents session at AFCOM's Data Center World 2021.

Kirk Killian of PNMCF presented a session entitled “The Colo Commandments” at Data Center World on August 18, 2021 in Orlando.  The presentation discussed ten key strategies for enterprise use of colocation, especially for enterprises planning a hybrid deployment of colocation + cloud.  DCW is the premier annual industry conference for data center and IT infrastructure managers.


6/1/21 - Mission Critical Magazine publishes articles in 6-part series on Colo Selection & Procurement.

The industry-leading data center magazine published six monthly articles on the colocation selection and procurement process written by PNMCF's Kirk Killian.  The articles discussed Scoping, Location Selection, Candidate Facility Selection, the RFP Process, Evaluating Proposals, and Negotiating Contracts.   DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE SERIES


10/07/20 - PNMCF's Killian presents session at InterOp 2020 Technology Conference.

Kirk Killian of PNMCF presented a session entitled "Destination Colocation: Cloud Compatible" at InterOp 2020 on October 7, 2020.  The presentation discussed colocation trends supporting enterprise migration from on-premises data centers to a hybrid mix of colo facilities and public cloud.  InterOp is the leading independent multi-disciplinary technology conference.


10/21/19 - PNMCF's Killian presented session at CoreNet Global Summit 2019 in Anaheim.

Kirk Killian of PNMCF presented a session entitled "Where's My Data Center" on October 21, 2019.  CoreNet Global Summit is the premier annual industry conference for corporate real estate professionals.  

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